Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired

Banks that are never going to make it must file Chapter 7. GM must file Chapter 7. AIG must file Chapter 7.

Obama needs a hard dose of reality such as an approval rating in the 20s to pull his head out of his ass.

He promised the moon thrilling the people. He has yet to deliver. And the economy is failing.

He is a beginner surrounded by beginners. Tim Geithner speaks and the Dow drops. Huh? It's because no one has confidence. Wait until the backlash occurs over the fact he didn't pay income tax. How many times a day does someone tell the IRS "I'm not paying because YOUR BOSS didn't pay his taxes".

You think I'm wrong? Why?

After all:

The people in charge (Democrats and Republicans) have spent approximately 2 trillion in six months. And what has happened? Bush is not without blame; however last I checked he was a normal citizen. He's not here. Who is here is botching the situation. For crying out loud, the actual accountants in the government contradict the statements made by the White House! And Obama decides to pick Biden to head up the stimulus.

Obama made it real obvious when in the middle of a financial crisis he spent 400 million on some crap in some other country that had ZERO to do with the economy and has since gone crazy spending money we don't have.

What if China cuts us off? What then?

What happens when the war on terror we don't speak of explodes in our face? Biden said it best: Obama will be challenged. Probably in the form of a terrorist attack. Luckily, Panetta doesn't listen to Obama.

What happens when the war in our backyard - Mexico - tests us on our own border. Our border which should haven been secured long before 9/11. Kidnappings are up 100% from 2007 to 2008. The #1 kidnapping capital in the world is Mexico City and #2 is Phoenix. Yet DHS head Napolitano said Mexico's violence had not spilled over the border. What?

What happens when North Korea gets it right and drops a missile on California?

What happens when enough of the 91% paying their mortgage on time get fed up with the 9% who shouldn't have been in the home in the first place?

I know I'm rambling but someone needs to read the truth. I just don't see how this situation isn't going to get WAY worse.

You can bet revolution is coming.

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