Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From - 1 step closer to eating beans from a can

Last night, President Obama pledged to expand the tentacles of government further into our lives than ever before when he said that government will watch over your children "from the day they are born"!

Here is a sampling of Obama's outrageous socialistic pledges:

...350,000 new government jobs...

...A new government "lending fund that represents the largest
effort ever" to make the government your banker!

...A "housing plan" that further disrupts the market and puts
government in the middle of the foreclosure and refinance process --
the government will decide your payment and maybe even the value
of your home...

...Trillions more in bailout funds for the banking industry that
will further balloon the unprecedented deficit that could approach
$2 trillion this year...

...Onerous regulations that give government more and more control
over the financial markets...

...A new global warming bureaucracy and carbon tax that force us
to adopt inefficient "green" energy...

..."Comprehensive" health care that further burdens our broken
system with more and more health care entitlements..

...A massive expansion of government education that covers children
"from the day they are born" and includes a guarantee that everyone
can afford higher education...

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