…and that would not be a pretty sight at all! Is there anybody else out there that is having an extremely hard time trying to keep up with everything that Obama and those Dems are doing up in D.C.? Every time I come across a news article, see something on the T.V. or hear something on the radio - I get an excellent idea for a blog discussion. But…no more than 10 minutes later something else comes up..and again and again and again.
I’m almost quite convinced that the White House is throwing all of this out there at one time just to keep our minds so totally boggled that we can’t possibly figure it all out. When you really start putting it all together it just absolutely makes my head want to explode because I just can’t keep track. I’m not even going to attempt to put all the links up to this list - because it could take me almost a freakin’ month alone to liste everything that Obama has thrown at us:
$787 Billion Spending Bill completely loaded with pork
$410 Billion Omnibus Bill completely loaded with pork
Secret videotaped messages to the AFL-CIO meeting declaring Congress WILL pass the “Employee Free Choice Act” doing away with secret ballots - a complete erosion of the constitution and violation of our privacy.
Healthcare Reform Summit stating that the debate is settled and there is nothing anybody can do about it - Universal Healthcare is coming to America.
Economic Reform Summit held where the end outcome is that there is not one smart individual in all of D.C. that can figure out that smaller government and lower taxes is the appropriate way to heal this economy.
Hillary Clinton, on behalf of Obama, delivering $900 Million to a terrorist organization so they can rearm themselves to lob more missiles in to Israel - and criticizing Israel while she handed them the check.
Iran is less than one month away from a nuclear bomb and Obama has not said one word about it.
Hillary Clinton, on behalf of Obama, goes to China to beg for money. Essentially, China is propping up this economy right. We will all be speaking Chinese shortly if they decided to call in our debt.
Obama sends a letter to Russia opening up dialog with them and hinting the U.S. might back down from the missile defense shield (a great sign of weakness).
John Kerry, on behalf of Obama, goes and visits with Asshat Bashir in Syria opening dialogs with another state sponsorer of terrorism.
Obama openly tells our enemies exactly what date we are withdrawing from Iraq - another great sign of weakness and inexperience.
Gordon Brown comes to visit Obama talking about a Global New World Order and it appears Obama is open to this socialist notion and giving up American sovereignty.
Four cabinet nominees are tax cheaters - and one of them actually gets appointed to oversee the very organization he cheated.
Several Anti-gun measures (in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment) being introduced in Congress.
FDIC in threat of going insolvent - you know - the agency that guarantees funds in your bank up to $250,000.00 to the point now they get a $500 Billion bailout.
Honest homeowners all around this country are bailing out other homeowners against their will.
Several Congress persons ready to introduce the Fairness Doctrine again - only they’re gonna call it something else.
Obama introduces proposal for bogus Cap and Trade scheme that would ensure inflation and increased energy prices.
Obama set to increase taxes on the upper-middleclass income earners making more than $250,000 which would effectively shut down small businesses across this country.
Obama set to reduce charitable benefit deductions whereby forcing charities to take money from the government - meaning the government would control which charities should live and which should die.
The government now owns 80% of AIG and 40% of Citi-bank.
Every time Obama opens his mouth the Dow tanks.
Tax cheater Geithner chastises tax cheating individuals and files suit against UBS for “secret” offshore account information. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
That racist attorney general calls all Americans cowards because we won’t talk about race! For crying out loud man - the freakin’ POTUS is black! Isn’t that enough for you? Isn’t that proof that we have pretty much broken that barrier? The only one’s continuing this race issue are black racists like yourself.
Nancy Pelosi takes a trip to Rome and forces Congress to vote on the spending bill without giving them time to read it - then Obama signs it immediately not giving the American people the 5 days he promised us.
No Republicans were allowed to provide input on the spending bill and no republican amendments were allowed - but - they fully expect republicans to vote for it?
The Govenor of Arizona is made the Director of Homeland Security - yet - she couldn’t even protect her own state from the invasion of illegal aliens. Phoenix, Arizona is the number 2 city in the ENTIRE world for kidnappings - over 400 reported last year - note - that is REPORTED.
The Governor of Kansas has been named as the Director of HHS - this is the same individual who has given free tuition, free healthcare, and amnesty to illegal aliens in her own state. She also shut down the building of new coal-fueled plants in her state. If she did it in her state - What do you think will happen to America?
Obama signs an executive order closing GITMO and starts releasing terrorists.
Obama signs an executive order reversing offshore drilling again.
Obama signs an executive order reversing the Mexico City Policy that stated America would not provide funding to foreign countries that have state-sponsored abortion. Well - now apparently we American taxpayers are now paying for abortions in other countries.
Obama reversed all of the welfare reform policies that Clinton had in place - back to giving free handouts to free-loaders. We’re back to generational welfare recipients.
Expanded the SCHIP program to include “kids” up to age 25. Excuse me! If you are not a full-time student in college - if you are 18 years old - you better be out there looking for a job taking care of yourself and getting your own insurance. Last time I looked - 25 is not a kid. I had two kids of my own by the time I was 25.
Obama’s Director of Labor is extremely pro-union and pro-amnesty for illegal aliens. Do you think we’ll be rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them under an Obama presidency? Illegal aliens cost this country $80 Billion a year for crying out loud.
Obama’s Director of the EPA is a known socialist and was a leader within the socialist environmental global warming movement. She was extremely proud of that and even had her profile on the website - until they took it down after she was nominated to the EPA position. BTW - she’s one of those global warmongerers that also believe the “science is settled” and the “debate is over” despite all the evidence that has come out showing we have been in a cooling state for the last decade. Where do you think she’s going to lead this country?
His spending bill gives $500 tax rebate to those who don’t pay taxes at all. Sounds like wealth-redistribution to me - which I believe is a Marxist philosophy - but - oh noes - he ain’t no socialist is he?
Newly Added - Then there’s the Freedom of Choice Act that has been reintroduced that if enacted makes it illegal for medical practitioners to refuse to do abortions on moral grounds and also makes it illegal for pharmacists to refuse to dispense Plan-B and birth control pills on moral grounds. This would be an assault on their First Amendment rights to Freedom of Religion. Additionally, the Hippocratic oath taken by physicians say they will do no harm. Some physicians view abortion as doing harm. This essentially will cause the 600+ Catholic hospitals around this country to be shut down.
Good lord people! And those are just the stories that are coming off the top of my head that I KNOW of!!! How can one man do so much damage in less than 60 days? There wasn’t this much freakin’ activity in the whole 8 years Bush was in office!!! There are a helluva lot more stories out there that I have forgotten about and I’m sure there are even more that I don’t KNOW about - with much much more to come given we still have 3 Years and 10 months to go in this first term.
Is it any wonder this economy is tanking? Individually, these all seem harmful in their own right. But - collectively - my God people - look at all of this!!! For those of you on the left that think Obama is not a socialist - just look at all the stories. Every one of them lead us down that path. You guys on the left who so cherish your liberties are about to get a very rude awakening. All of Obama’s policies thus far lead to more government intrusion of your privacy and giving you less control of your own decisions. Where is the ACLU on this? Perhaps they haven’t fully understood it yet either.
Come on people - wake up! WE ALL heard these stories throughout the past 2 months - but - have you ever seen them all just listed out yet? Where do you think all of these stories and the actions of Obama and his administration are leading us? If you can think of some stories that I forgot or don’t know about - please post them here in the comments - I’ll drag them up in to the main discussion for all to see and ponder.
UPDATE: Looks like Texas Fred - is thinking along the same lines today - go check this out: Barack Obama and the Death of America.
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